6.5 nti CPLA compostable diav

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

1. CPLA (Crystal PLA) yog cov khoom siv biodegradable tshiab tsim los ntawm molecular siv lead ua raws li cov khoom siv PLA.2.CPLA muaj hardness zoo, nws technically daws qhov teeb meem kub tsis kam ntawm PLA, Kub Resistant mus txog 85 ° C.3.Nws yog elemental chlorine-dawb bleached, avirulent thiab harmles ...

Product Detail


Khoom cim npe

1. CPLA (Crystal PLA) yog cov khoom siv biodegradable tshiab tsim los ntawm molecular siv lead ua raws li cov khoom siv PLA.
2. CPLA muaj qhov zoo hardness, nws technically daws qhov teeb meem kub tsis zoo ntawm PLA, Kub Resistant mus txog 85 ° C.
3. Nws yog cov tshuaj chlorine-dawb bleached, avirulent thiab tsis muaj mob.Tsis muaj ntxhiab tsw tsw thiab tsis muaj dej.
4. CPLA yog tag nrho biodgradable thiab eco-friendly khoom.
5. CPLA cov khoom muaj peev xwm Compostable nyob rau hauv ib tug commercials compost chaw nyob rau hauv tsawg li 180 hnub, 100% degradation tshwm sim nyob rau lub sij hawm ntev me ntsis, nws yog los ntawm ntuj mus rau ntuj.
Peb cov khoom CPLA tau lees paub los ntawm FDA, SGS, BPI, ASTM D6400 thiab EN 13432.

Ecogreen muaj kev tshawb fawb muaj zog thiab tuaj yeem cuam tshuam nrog ntau qhov kev txiav txim yuav khoom thiab cov khoom lag luam.

Txais tos tiv tauj peb kom paub meej ntxiv.

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